Affliction | Ageing
| Christ | Comfort in Bereavement
| Glorification
| God's Word
| Grace
| Perseverance
| Sanctification
| Sin
| Spiritual Warfare
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Though the love of friends
May grow cold as stone
Yet I'll be warmed
By Thy love alone
When hearts of others
Shall tightly close
In Thy bosom, Oh Lord,
Will I seek repose
"Alone at last" shall be my sigh
"Alone at last" is Thy reply
When my world falls apart
And all's crashing in
When I'm overwhelmed
By the depth of my sin
When doubts seem to crowd
And fear closes in
I know where to go
To find renewal within
When all of my hope
Lies shattered and broken
And the comforts of friends
Seem no more than a token
I quickly retreat
To the Word He has spoken
And find contained there
The Christ I have hope in
My Crook in the Lot
It's my crook in the lot
It's what I've got
It's what I've been given by Him
And shall I doubt
Or clamor about
Considering the depth of my sin?
Because He knows best
This is only a test
To show me the darkness I own
And when I've been tried
I'll be purified
I'll come forth shining as gold
Crush Me
Crush me,
If the fragrance of Christ would exude
Crush me,
If it conforms me more closely to You
Crush me,
If it serves to mortify sin
Crush me,
If it works to cleanse me within
Crush me,
If by it Your glory may shine
Crush me,
If doing so will obliterate mine
(The Persecuted Church)
Have you heard of the firefly?
It shines in the darkness and lights up the sky
People capture them to contain their light
And to gaze upon that wondrous sight
So it is with the saints of Christ
They're pursued and captured because of their light
And if God wills, it just might be
That their captors will be changed
By the light that they see
And with faces aglow with the radiant light
They become, themselves, like the firefly
Suffering saint, is that sweat upon thy brow?
Thy Savior knowest well thy secret pain
Beleaguered brother, doth thou faint beneath thy toil?
The Living Water shall refresh again
Lost and wandering lamb
Doth filth and fright overtake you in the way?
The Great Shepherd searches out and shall reclaim
In those times I'm nonapparent
And no other seems to see
Yet I find that You are faithful
Kindly watching over me
Times that would have left me lonely
Times I would have cried within
Now find me sheltered in Your bosom
Seeking solace from my Friend
My Companion, ever with me
Always giving what is best
I will seek Thee and Thee only
And in Thee shall I be blessed
I Prayed for Thee Today
I prayed for thee today
To the God Who has all power
That He would keep thee close to Him
And strengthen thee this hour
And that thou be conformed to Christ
In Whom thy life is hid
And reflect to all the Father's love
As Christ our Savior did
I prayed that thou might know Him well
And delight thyself in Him
Who sacrificed Himself for thee
And cleansed thee of thy sin
I prayed thy eyes be lifted high
To Him enthroned above
Until He brings us home to Him
Upon His beams of love
John on the isle of Patmos
Paul in a prison cell
Hannah in her barrenness
Jeremiah in the well
All saints have stung of loneliness
The depths, to others, unknown
Save the Savior by Father forsaken
For the sake of redeeming His own
Not Home
Every icy shoulder
Every frowning face
Is a reminder that my heart is hid
In another place
A stranger and a pilgrim
I seek to live with men
Until my home is ready
And I'm called to enter in
In even smiling faces here
I dare not trust nor rest
But lift my eyes up to that One
God's Faithful and God's Best
Set Apart
Isolate me, if Thou must
Train my heart to love and trust
By the arrow's inward thrust
I am reminded Thou art mine
I'll cleave to Thee, I'll not let go
For Thou alone, my heart doth know,
Hath sent this wound to bid me grow
And remind me I am Thine
Songbird's Plight
Her voice would lilt in grateful song
And praise her God the whole day long
'Til heart was broke with piercing wrong
And silenced Songbird's joyful song
A broken wing, in time, might mend
With gradual strength, could move and bend
But where's the balm for a heart that's rent?
By whom might soothing salve be sent?
He Who's known as Sorrow's Man
Who knows grief's depths and understands
He it is with gentle hands
Can heal the sick with His command
Radiant joy has been restored
At the Master's Living Word!
Delight abounds and in song adored
Is the Healing, Loving Lord
Tears in His Bottle
They're mine to share with Christ alone
Each stinging tear
Each heart-felt groan
I'll not entrust them to a man
Nor share them with a so-called "friend"
Only Christ will sympathize
Only He shall dry my eyes
When all my sorrows I've laid bare
'Tis Christ alone I'll trust to care
The Exchange
Give me Christ and take my heart
Thy righteousness to me impart
Bring me under, bring me down
Bring me broken and duty bound
By Thy grace, Lord, transform me
Give me eyes of faith to see
Thy love within the smarting rod
In every sorrow, joy from God
The Outcast
Unwelcome, unwanted, undesireable
One that just doesn't belong
A person of no great significance
A meaningless face in the throng
But in Him beloved, accepted
Formed to show forth His praise
Chosen, peculiar, made holy
Justified and beautified in grace
The Potter
The hands are strong, but gentle
The force is firm, but kind
The pressure from the Potter's touch
Brings changes over time
He caresses when he sees the need
And squeezes when it's fit
He may remake entirely
But He will never quit
The Rod of God
The rod of God fell hard and swift
Yet His rod, to me, was but a kiss
To remind me of my straying ways
To call on me to count my days
To work in me repentant grace
To train me how to walk in faith
The Two
Faux friend, no friend
Fully false unto the end
Not Him without sin
Who has promised He'll return again
All wise, no disguise
The contrite heart He'll not despise
To Thee I Come
I see the scornful glances
As I'm passing by their way
I don't know what they're thinking
And I can't hear what they say
But it feels like searing anger
As their gaze through me is bored
And so I take my refuge
In the bosom of my Lord
He is all refreshing
He nurtures me with care
And in the brightness of His glory
I lose sight that they are near
He steeps me in His mercy
And soaks me in His grace
Then strengthens me
And sends me out
A hostile world to face
The list is long and shame-filled
The accusations true
But there's comfort in these mighty words
"And such were some of you."
Name the sin, it's mine to claim
Each and every one
And so I seek for cleansing
'Neath the blood-bath of the Son
Like a child trusting You
In quietness I rest
Knowing that the proverb's true
You truly do know best
Resigned from every earthly angst
Quieted in my soul
Leaning softly on Your breast
"My LORD is in control"
Take what is fit
Give what is right
In wisdom You do act
All righteousness is all You do
An indisputable fact
Waiting .....
Just leave! Just leave!
Just leave it be!
Just wait on God
Just wait and see!
All's revealed
When day is done
By flaming eyes
Of Omniscient Son
Who Doth Hear?
A heart unheard
Except by Him
The Fount of cleansing
For my sin
The Spring of Life
And loving grace
The King Who's worthy
Of my praise
This my glory
This my song
To live for Him
'Til life is done
God's Graces
Though eyes be dimmed
With age and pain
And breasts will ne'er
Nurse babe again
The spirit grows stronger
Still within
And soul is cleansed from years of sin
A life near end will fade away
But Christ is all her hope and stay
She lies in a bed in a home not her own
Though no one is there, she is never alone
Her eyes do not see and her ears do not hear
And you sense that the Angel of Death lingers near
Each breath is a struggle and her voice very weak
But then when she opens her mouth up to speak
Is it to ask for relief from her pain?
Or to have all her worldly possessions again?
No. Her plea is for others, she prays for her children
And praises her God for the life that He's given
She continues to struggle, though in anguish and pain
For to her life is Christ, but to die is gain
If age doth speak of wisdom learned
And battles won and sorrows earned
Then youth doth boast of hopes to come
Of strength to waste and wisdom shunned
But if youth could seek, instead, the wise
And see life through more vintage eyes
And turn to God while still they sow
The seeds of harvest they've yet to know
They might then be blessed to reap
A bounty they'll delight to keep
And share with those who come behind
A harvest of a richer kind
A Sure Thing
The favor of men is a fickle frame
From day to day 'tis never the same
Changed with the weather, changed by the hour
Weak and waning and wanting in power
But Thou, Eternal and Almighty LORD
Hath proved Thyself in Thy Holy Word
That Thou may be trusted and safely adored
For in Thee all the treasure of Heaven is stored
Exalted Savior
Spotless Lamb, Perfect Man
None else is qualified
To take the scroll, to break its seals
But Jesus Christ Who died
He alone has borne our sins
He has borne God's wrath
He has overcome each foe
And conquered sin and death
Fix your eyes upon this One
Who once was crucified
For now He sits enthroned with God
Forever glorified
Gentle Captor
He captured my attention with the promises He spoke
He caught my curiosity with questions He evoked
I found my mind consumed with Him
My heart began to long
For the whisper of His gentle voice
And the music of His song
This One Whom I had hid from
In the darkness of the night
Had pursued me without faltering
And caught me in His light
No refuge from those piercing eyes
No secrets left to hide
Everything laid bare to Him
He could not be denied
As I yielded to Him at last
My will did finally break
All that I had ever been
Was fully His to take
This Conqueror of my weary mind
This Captor of my soul
Reached out to me with tenderness
And made my spirit whole
He touched me with a purging touch
My blood-stained garments gone
And clothed me in His righteousness
With the radiance of the Son
No more will I seek freedom
From the chains He's put me in
But I'll strive to make my every thought
Obedient to Him
Incarnation Celebration
Incarnation celebration
When God in Christ
Became a man
Through the ages
Savvy sages
Declared the secret, sacred plan
We who think upon that manger
Wonder at God's gracious scheme
That He should change
Such hostile strangers
Into children of the King
Rip the universe in half!
Heave the sun from azure sky!
But is it possible, indeed
That God the Son should truly die?
Strip the sky of sun and stars!
Pull the galaxy apart!
But who can conceive that God the Father
Should sacrifice His very heart?
Catachlysmic! Unbelievable!
Beyond all reason or human thought
That the Trinity should sever ....
That Holy God should part from GOD!
Eternally I shall be
Indebted Lord, to only Thee
For Thou hast paid my ransom high
And secured my soul to Thee thereby
None but Thee and Thee alone
May rightfully assume Thy throne
To Thou may I all praises bring
And bow with love before my King
Irreplaceable Gift
Some gifts we take for granted
For they're with us every day
We're blinded to their beauty
Until they're snatched away
It may be a cherished loved one
Or a sense, a strength, a skill
It may be a blessed freedom
That we've exercised at will
One day we find it missing
And we ask how it can be
That while we had it with us
It's worth we failed to see
God grant that we may treasure
The Son You sacrificed
Whose resurrection conquered death
And gives Your people life
Joyous Expectation
A reason to sing,
The coming King
The One on Whom our eyes are fixed
Who with joyous heart
He did impart
Love ... Unfeigned, unmixed
Look Up!
Look up, look up from the manger scene
And from the baby born in Bethlehem
Look up from the humble, healing Man
Who walked the streets of Jerusalem
Up from the crucifixion place
Where darkness hid His Father's face
Up further still beyond the risen Son
To the Holy King on the Heavenly throne
Fix your eyes on that glorious sight
Of the One Who's returning
In power and might
My Beloved
Speak to me those words of love
Whisper them again
My wounded heart beats longingly
For Thy soothing touch within
Look tenderly upon my frame
For dust is all I am
Take me gently to Thy breast
As a Shepherd does His lamb
Stroke me with Thy mercies
Caress me with Thy smile
Sing to me Thy lovers' song
And I will rest a while
Thou art my only refuge
For Thou alone art true
Thy kindness is eternal
And Thy mercies ever new
The Lord is my Portion
The Lord is my Portion, saith my soul
Thus shall I hope in Him
A Treasure in Heaven reserved for me
An exchange that He made for my sin
I hope in Him, I hope in Him
For He is my Goodly Portion
I hope in Him, I hope in Him
For He is my Goodly Portion
The Lord hath promised an inheritance
And I shall receive it one day
An eternal, unfading legacy
Which can never be taken away
I hope in Him, I hope in Him
For He is my Goodly Portion
I hope in Him, I hope in Him
For He is my Goodly Portion
His grace has been gloriously manifest
Through salvation He wrought at the cross
And all that I once found my boasting in
I gladly regard them as loss
My hope's in Him, my hope's in Him
For He is my Goodly Portion
My hope's in Him, my hope's in Him
For He is my Goodly Portion
The power of our God hath raised Him up
Conquering both sin and death
Now by His Spirit we live in Christ
And praise Him with every breath
We'll rise to Him, we'll rise to Him
To attain our Goodly Portion
We'll rise to Him, we'll rise to Him
To attain our Goodly Portion
My Only
Christ is my Husband
Christ is my all
Christ when I'm standing
Christ when I fall
Christ when around me
The world charges in
Christ when assaulted
By blackness of sin
Christ in my resting
Christ in my death
Christ the true sweetness
Of my very last breath
On the Road
Were not our hearts inflamed within
As we listened on the way?
We hungrily devoured each word
This Stranger had to say
And when we stopped to share a meal
At the breaking of the bread
Our eyes were opened to the truth
This was our Living Head!
The Promised One
From a virgin womb to a virgin tomb
His time on earth was brief
A man of sorrows, like ourselves
Acquainted with our grief
He bore our sin, not satisfied
To merely feel our pain
Upon the cross He took God's wrath
He died and rose again
We wait for Him with longing hearts
And look with eager eyes
He's promised that because He rose
We shall also rise
While Jesus at Gethsemane
In prayerful anguish wept
He returned unto His earthly friends
And found that they all slept
"Could you not watch
For just one hour?"
Came His plaintive cry
But they too sleepy to perceive
'Twas time for Christ to die
Soon fear would scatter His best men
And He'd be left alone
Nailed to a curs-ed cross of wood
Though worthy of a throne
Forsaken by His Heavenly Father
Distained by mocking brood
Hanging hated, taunted, beaten
Naked, broken, bruised
Dead and laid in empty tomb
It seemed that sin had won
By God, however, He arose
Victorious, Saving Son!
The Sent One
He knew His mission from before His birth
He endured the shame, though He knew His worth
He was crucified as He took our sin
He died, was buried and rose again
He dwells in the Heavens at His Father's side
Preparing a home for His spotless bride
The Stream
From the Garden of Eden
Through Gethsemane
There runs a crimson theme
The blood of Christ
The Lamb of God
Has been our Living Stream
And when at last
All time has passed
And all have bowed the knee
"THE BLOOD!" we'll cry
The True Friend
All our lives we seek
And in our hearts we long
For someone who is tender, meek
Yet powerful and strong
We want a friend who'll side with us
And love us faithfully
One in whom we safely trust
Who has authority
One who knows our very heart
And yet will not rebuff
One with wisdom to impart
Whose friendship is enough
There is a "One"and only "One"
Who's all of this and more
Christ Jesus, God's beloved Son
Behold Him and adore
This Our Confidence
What care I for the barking dog
When the Great I AM is the LORD, my God?
Royal blood runs through these veins
From the King of kings, Who ever reigns
Fear no man, but worship Him
Who has delivered thee from Sin
To Our King
We're pleased with Thee, O' Lovely King
All Thy ways are good
Thy strength and beauty make us sing
Thy grace is understood
Intently watch we with grateful heart
And wait with bated breath
For love to usher us to Thee
Upon the arms of death
Trusted Friend
To think that there is someone
Who truly cares to know
That within my inner man
Beyond the outward show
None other cares to hear my thoughts
Or seeks to feel my pain
But He who with blood purchased me
And cleansed my crimson stain
In no mere man shall I confide
In no man shall I trust
In no man shall my hope reside
For all men are but dust
But Christ the God-Man ever lives
To intercede for me
To Him alone I turn my eyes
To Him alone I flee
Unto Us a Child is Given
Unto us a child is given
Unto us a son is born
Unto us a gift from heaven
Unto us this gracious morn
Sing to Him your songs of praises
Bring to Him your gifts of love
Exalt His holy name to heaven
Let your joy ascend above
He shall be called Wonderful
He shall be called Counselor
He shall be called Mighty God
Everlasting Father
Sing to Him your songs of praises
Bring to Him your gifts of love
Give to Him your very finest
All the King is worthy of
Wonders to Angels
He left glorious adoration to be spit upon by men
Departing from His Holy throne to save His own from sin
Angels watched with questioning awe, the prophets had inquired
Into the mystery of this love and the payment it required
Nought but perfect holiness could satisfy the debt
Father, Son and Holy Spirit conspired that it be met
The Father gave, the Son would die, the Spirit would revive
And through the wise, eternal plan a holy seed survives
Itself to be raised glorious, made like its Savior fair
To reign with Him in joy supreme
His righteousness to share
You Are
You're fearsome
Yet irresistable
Awesome, incomprehensible
Mighty and powerful
Tender and kind
You're holy and undeniable
Faithful, fully reliable
Keeping Your promise
To all of mankind
With Fatherly love You tend to us
We rest beneath Your wings
We bask within Your radiant light
With angels, praises sing
Comfort in Bereavement
Abandoned Abode
Skin stretched o'er corpsy bone -
Death has come, life is gone
While we, with weeping mournful song
Bid thee our farewell
But thou whose soul was hid in Christ
Is transferred to the Land of Light
Which shall ne'er be dim with dark of night
Nor ever sin its landscape blight
Rejoicing there in heavenly scene
Resting calm in joy serene
Beholding, too, thy Master's face
Conformed to Him in mercy's grace
O that we might join thee there
To gaze upon our Savior fair
And in unending praises share
The glories of our King
Denying the Expected
Hushed tones
Muted cries
Mourning hearts
Silent sighs
All evidence
That death is nigh
Yet a stranger
When he comes
Graveside Meditation
Sin has claimed another trophy
Laid another down in death
Mourners sadly looking onward
With no thought to their last breath
Pain and sorrow shroud the Dayspring
Who offers grace and lasting life
Bidding all to flee corruption
And the woe of mortal strife
A few will heed the invitation
And run to Him in eager flight
They'll escape the chains of darkness
To the freedom of His light
Death shall lose his victory o'er them
Life shall be their ageless prize
Graced to love and to adore Him
They'll gaze on Him with unveiled eyes
May our prayers send relief
To your closet of grief
May they supply strength for the hour
May you be lifted above
The threatening flood
Through the grace of our Lord by His power
We might wish our embrace
Could completely erase
All the sorrow that's stirring within
But the truth of it is
The work is all His
To conform you more closely to Him
The Visitor
Oh Death, my friend, has come to visit
Where is your victory?
Where is your sting?
Has your sword, once turned against me
Been made to me a blessed thing?
You who used to make me tremble
Have now become a welcomed guest
For your stay is but a moment
But your leave, eternal rest
An Apt Frame
To lean upon my Savior's breast
To gain my strength, to find my rest
To look to Him Whose power is blessed
And not rely on arm of flesh
Who shall be thy Love, thy Guide?
In Whom shall all thy trust abide?
Not on man nor human frame
But only on Christ's saving name
The table is spread
The banquet is ready
We look to our Lord
As He breaketh the bread
Come Elder Brother
Commune with Your people
Sharing Your life
Through the blood You have shed
Drink It In
Drink it in
Take the cup of Jesus Christ
Drink it in
Be ye filled with His pure life
Drink His blood
And take His life into your own
Jesus Christ
The Blessed Lamb
The Holy One
The Son of God
His life is given once for all
His grace to us is free
Given as a ransom paid
The price for you and me
Drink it in
Drink in His love's refreshing power
Drink it in
And find your strength for this dark hour
Fill your cup
And taste the sorrow of our Lord
Fill it up
And know His joy forevermore
Oh should you turn this cup away
His grace in hatred spurn
There is no more forgiveness
And your soul will ever burn
Drink it in
Take the cup of Jesus Christ
Drink it in
Be ye filled with His pure life
Drink it in
May I urge you just once more
Drink it in
Drink it in
And find His cleansing for your soul
I Long to Know Thee
I long to know Thee, Christ my Lord
To know Thy fellowship, know Thy Word
To know Thy glories by angels adored
And all of the mercies Thy cross affords
I long to see Thy lovely face
To refresh in Thy cleansing
To bathe in Thy grace
I long to heavenly anthems sing
To bow before Thee, to praises bring
I long to be fashioned like Thee in love
To be pure and holy and seated above
I long to be swallowed up in Thee
I long that I may no longer be
But that only what remains in me
Shall be all the radiant light of Thee
Sweet Thou art
Oh Living Bread
I taste and find Thee good
Thou nourisheth
Oh Sacred Head
Oh Wondrous Heavenly food
Please don't send a strong delusion
Guard my heart from sin's intrusion
Keep my mind from dark confusion
Draw me to Your sweet seclusion
Sweet Fellowship
Lying softly in Thy bosom
Resting in Thy quiet grace
Refreshing in Thy tender mercies
Enraptured by Thy radiant face
Oh, let nothing break upon us
Nor rend this still and sacred hour
As I'm bathed within Thy fragrance
Thy Word poured forth
A cleansing shower
That They May Be With Me
Take us back to that nativity scene
Or to the sacred garden of Gethsemane
Wherever You are or have ever been
That's where we want to be
At Your cross, may we kneel down
Past Your tomb, where You're no longer found
Transport us to Thy exalted throne
Where we'll be the gems that adorn Thy crown
Death of a Saint
The earthen vessel broken
The golden treasure gone
Ascended to the holy hill
Received by Holy Son
Delighting in Christ's glory
Not seen by mortal man
Resplendent in perfected love
In that Eternal land
Eagerly Awaiting His Glory
Oh hasten unto me, my Lord, that day
When the corruption of this vesture has no sway
When this mortal ceases to obscure Thy light
When brightest day forever dispels the night
When all singing shall resound to Thy great name
And Thy beauty and our beauty shine the same
I wish that I could escape from me
And from this mortal prison flee
To fly with all Thy might to Thee
To ever in Thy presence be
And with Thy saints Thy beauty see
As we sing Thy praise on bended knee
Unfettered! Released!
To glory in peace
Freed to be perfected with Thee
Rejoicing above
In infinite love
Adoring what eye cannot see
Faith has now ended
For I've apprehended
What my Father had promised to give
In eternal bliss
Forever I'm His
And forever with Him I will live
I'm homesick for a home I've never been to
I'm yearning for the Groom I've never seen
I'm longing for a city which has foundations
And to be a person that I've never been
In a moment I'll be taken into glory
I'll be changed within the twinkling of the eye
It's been promised in that old-time Gospel story
I've a dwelling place awaiting me on high
Letting Go
Weaned, weaned
From the paps of this world
My heart is untangled
My fingers unfurled
I've wings of faith
To carry me home
My eyes uplifted
To the Lamb on the throne
The Gathering
The children of God
Who are scattered abroad
Shall be gathered together to Christ
Forgiven by Him
And cleansed of their sin
Recreated and given new life
Conformed to their God
By the power of His Word
In them His glory to shine
They'll claim Him as Lord
This One they've adored
And He shall declare
"They are Mine!"
The Unveiling
One day this veil shall be lifted
And Thy glory, O Lord, shall shine
All that Thou hast promised
And prepared shall ever be mine
Those in the world are blinded
And they are unable to see
The wonderful, incomprehensible mystery
Of Thy Spirit now dwelling in me
I eagerly await the unveiling
Longing for immortality's robe
To shed this vesture of corruption
And in Thy righteousness forever be clothed
The Work
A transformation wrought by Thee
A working of Thy hand
Though still a work in progress
Yet still this work shall stand
The fullness is not evident
Completion's on the way
My eyes shall look, my hands shall work
Unto that glorious day
Welcomed Departure
'Tis the desire of my heart
To flee, to depart
To forsake this earthly sod
To ascend upon high
To soar through the sky
To the Heavenly throne of my God
If death be the way
That will lead to the day
When I can be seated above
Then I'll welcome death's door
I'll struggle no more
To be kept from the Christ that I love
Willing Captive
Unshackled from sin
Imprisoned to praise
I'm sentenced to love Thee
For the rest of my days
My heart has been bound
With Thy merciful cords
My tongue has been loosed
For Thy love song, oh Lord
No bars, no chains
Are required on me
For 'tis my greatest joy
To be fettered to Thee
God's Word
Enduring Word and Work
Men's demands and expectations
Are not written upon stone
It is Thy Word which shall stand
And Thine alone
In wisdom Thou directeth all our times
The ways of man are naked to Thine eyes
And in Thy Holy hands our future lies
Send Your Spirit, dear Lord
To the heart of my friend
Give him freedom from death
Give him freedom from sin
Let the truth of Your Word
And Your light enter in
Send Your Spirit, dear Lord
To my friend
Feast on the Word
Hunger and thirst, seek and search
Taste the goodness of the Lord
Like the cry of a babe
For the milk that it craves
So we should desire His Word
Sweet to our mouths
Health to our bones
Growing in knowledge and grace
Renewing our minds
Transforming our lives
Reflecting our dear Savior's face
Morning's Joy
Sometimes in the early morning
When I, by grace, unearth a truth
In the stillness and the darkness
A new joy is given birth
What treasures there to be discovered!
What hidden glories to be found!
More precious than the gold of earth
And sparkling gems beneath the ground
Great God and Mighty Savior
How kind Thou art to give
Such wonders from Thy storehouse
By which my soul may live
The Scribe
Please, I wait with pen in hand
Thy Word and will to understand
Lead me in Thy perfect way
Take this heart and own this day
Thy Holy Word, the perfect gift
To keep Thy saints from going adrift
Teach me Lord, that I may reach
Some sinking soul with sacred speech
True Treasure
A truth I may have never heard
A token treasure from Thy Word
A promise by which my heart is stirred
An ointment by which my wound is cured
These I seek from Thy riches stored
These I ask of Thee, my Lord
To receive from Thee, my most adored
That Thy life to me may be outpoured
Balancing Act
It's a tenuous strand upon which we walk:
That of being faith-filled without becoming presumptuous
That of being humble without becoming fearful
That of being bold without becoming arrogant
It must be the work of God's Holy Spirit to keep us balanced upon that strand
How prone we are to falter from side to side
How mighty is our God to order circumstances
To, once again, set us aright
There's but One to Whom I pour my heart
The Lord and Him alone
His eye sees every secret part
To Him each frailty known
I delight that God, my precious Friend
My Redeemer and my Guide
Has plucked me out from those condemned
That I may be His bride
Pure and spotless before my God
In Christ I am now seen
No blemish does He find in me
His blood has made me clean
I am such a shameful child
In need of a Savior, meek and mild
To relieve me of my crimson face
To every sinful stain erase
Please lift my head, Thou Risen One
Complete the work Thou hast begun
Where else is hope? I know of none
But Thou alone, my Father's Son
Emptied and Wanting
I cling to Thy mercy
I thirst for Thy grace
I long to gain entrance
I seek for Thy face
I bring nothing with me
but this solemn plea
"Save, Son of David!
Be Savior to me!"
They may have seen me falter
Perhaps they saw me slip
But they didn't see the tears I wept
With mute and trembling lip
Bowed before the throne of grace
A heart of anguished grief
And seeking at the mercy seat
From guilt and shame, relief
By faith in Him Who understands
And will gently sympathize
Unto the Shepherd of my soul
I'll lift my tearful eyes
The Flood
Immersed, almost drowned
In Your mercy
You threw to me Your lifeline
And drenched me
in Your grace
Image Bearer
Let me bear in my body
The reproach of my Lord
May I bear on my lips
The truth of His Word
May I bear the burdens
Of those who are down
May I bear His image
Because Christ bears the crown
Remove my rags of unrighteousness
Expose the festering sores
That I may see the offense of my sin
That I may love Christ more
Cause me to take
A long, lingering look
To drink in the dreadful sight
Make me to know my helplessness
To feel the weight of my plight
Then plunge me 'neath the scarlett bath
To cleanse me white as snow
Permit me to embrace
All the grace that He hath
And His mercy and forgiveness to know
What tune comes there from purs-ed lips?
Is that a song or --
Is that a kiss?
It's the whistle from a heart of joy
A melody the lips employ
No burdened soul could form such strain
'Tis from the glad comes this refrain
Now Awakened
He hath opened my eyes
Made me see in each place
The imprint of His finger
Soddened with grace
From the tender caress
To the chastening rod
I know that His love has so willed
They're from Him and to Him
And through Christ my God
And with His mercy
Is each one of them filled
Praise to His Grace
'Tis of grace, all of grace, To Thee all glory be
For I, once dead, am made alive
All praise redounds to Thee
Freed from sin, from darkest depths
Snatched from the judgment fire
Though in the world, not of the world
Nor prisoner of its mire
Beauty bright, resplendent Light,
Imparted righteousness
Through Christ my Lord, the Living Word
And my Glorious Bridal dress
Hiding in the land of Bochim
Regretting all I'd failed to be
Hopes lie round me, scattered, broken
'Til Your sweet voice summoned me
Though I came, I came not willing
Stiffened neck and hardened heart
But You wooed me with Your kindness
Gracious love You did impart
Softly, gently drawing me to You
With life-giving, living Word
My name sweet from Your lips spoken
Bid me "Come" and my heart heard
A harlot's heart right from the start
That's what's resided in me
The depth of my sin carried within
Where only God's eyes can see
He has the cure to make me pure
To cleanse me from crimson to white
It takes a Savior's love
And a Savior's blood
And a Savior's saving might
God sought
Blood bought
Held in the grip of the Son
Made right
Washed white
Forever with Him to be one
Restraining Grace
Restraining grace
How sweet the sound
That keeps a wretch like me
I know I'm saved
But still I've found
Sin seeks to conquer me
Redeeming grace
I watch for Thee
To call and catch me home
To draw me to Thy Presence fair
That I may know as I am known
Second Fall
The very best from this shameful child
Is sin-soaked, stained and most defiled
My foolishness is apparent to all
When I expect to stand, I find I fall
But one day I'll mount with eagle's wings
And take my place with the throng that sings
The glorious praises of the Spotless Lamb
And I'll fall at the feet of the Great I AM
Songs of Zion
Would you sing the songs of Zion
In a foreign land?
Would you praise the God of Jacob
Outside Jerusalem?
Would you sing the songs of Zion
In a foreign land?
Would you praise the God of Jacob
Outside Jerusalem?
Go and tell the dying world
They're in need to hear
The God of Jacob offers life
To all who will draw near
Would you sing the songs of Zion
In a foreign land?
Would you praise the God of Jacob
Outside Jerusalem?
Would you sing the songs of Zion
In a foreign land?
Would you praise the God of Jacob
Outside Jerusalem?
Gentiles sing to the house of Jesse
Let them know you've come
To salvation found in Jesus
God's redeeming Son
Would you sing the songs of Zion
In a foreign land?
Would you praise the God of Jacob
Outside Jerusalem?
Would you sing the songs of Zion
In a foreign land?
Would you praise the God of Jacob
Outside Jerusalem?
How shall I give an account to You?
My heart is false, Your Word is true!
What word is there that I could say
To turn Your holy wrath away?
There's just one defense that I can give
"Christ died for me, that I may live!"
Testaments of Love
Oh, I love Thee my great God and Father
Thou Who led Thy chosen people from captivity
With a booty in their hand
Thou Who bore patiently with their unblelief
In route to the Promised Land
Thou Who destroyeth all their enemies
In that place of milk and honey
Thou Who offereth salvation and satisfaction
For neither price nor money
Thou Who guideth each tiny sparrow
In its landings and its flight
Thou Who directeth galaxies
And giveth sun and moon and stars their light
Thou Who gavest Thy Only Begotten Son
To bear Thy wrath and our sin to make us with Thee one
I wonder, gracious Father
How could I have failed to love Thee for so long?!
The list is long and shame-filled
The accusations true
But there's comfort in these mighty words
"And such were some of you."
Name the sin, it's mine to claim
Each and every one
And so I seek for cleansing
'Neath the blood-bath of the Son
Might and Mercy joined in union
Power and Love and awesome pair
Holy Justice and Authority
Wed with tender Father's care
Almighty God enthroned in Heaven
We tremble at Thy Majesty
And in humble, grateful worship
Offer all our love to Thee
Erase every trace
Of that not of grace
And all of my rags
With Your mercy replace
May what I've been
And all my disgrace
Be lost in the glorious
Light of Thy face
We Who Are But Dust
"A hand unsteady through the fall"
That's what the writer has penned
He spoke of the weakness of all
For as we all know we've all sinned
"Overlook the blots and the stains"
He encouraged his readers to do
Since you know in your heart it remains
That it's just what you'd like done for you
"The best men are all men at best"
Another wise man has said
It's a truth shall be proved by the test
Long after the author is dead
Lord grant that your saints may conceal
In a blanket of mercy and grace
Offenses, imagined or real
And thereby reflect Your dear face
What can man say about me
but that even worse is true?
How righteously their tongues would wag
If they only knew
But gracious God, knowing all
Has granted pardon sure
And through the blood of Jesus Christ
Has cleansed and made me pure
"Accepted" is His call to me
And boldly now I come
Before His wondrous throne of grace
In the name of Christ the Son
"Accepted in the Beloved"
That's His promise to me
And in that truth I walk by faith
And not by what I see
Doubts may come and hope abate
And enemies revile
But God on Whom I rest and wait
Shall keep me all the while
Though closest kin or nearest friend
Desert, deny, deceive
Christ, in love, gave me Himself
And promised not to leave
He is my portion and my strength
The Rock to which I cling
My heart's desire and subject of
Each love song that I sing
The God of every circumstance
Leaves nothing of my life to chance
He ordains my every way
To lead me to that blessed day
When I shall know as I am known
And reap the harvest that I've sown
Embrace It
Joyfully embracing
The pain with which I'm dealing
Standing on the Word of God
Not yielding to my feelings
Taking every blow with joy
For Sovereign will decrees it
Knowing God's deliverance
Though yet I do not see it
Shall I just accept the good
And not embrace the sorrow?
I shall submit to suffering
And trust in God's tomorrow
Though waiting may be long and hard
I will not buckle under
For I shall stand one day and gaze
Upon His face in wonder
Enabling me to endure the pain
For the joy He's set before me
As Scripture says that He once did
Upon the cross at Calvary
Through His sacrificial act
And resurrection power
I know I'll stand complete in Him
At that final hour
Love that's tenacious, love that hangs on
Love that continues even when it is wronged
Love that's still offered though betrayed by a kiss
Love that sheds light where the darkness persists
Love that remains though abandoned by all
Love that keeps calling, though unheeded the call
Love that stands strong when every other has failed
Love that has conquered though by hell it's assailed
Love that You've shed abroad in our hearts
Love that through us Your Spirit imparts
Love that is willing to die for its foes
Love that has gone where no other can go
Love that You and You alone give
Lord, by Your grace, may Your church in love live
The Journey
A few more days in this barren land
A few more miles we'll have trod
Before we take our Savior's hand
And see the face of God
"Patience" is His call to us
"Press on" is what we'll do
Keep faith and hope and trust, we must
Until this journey's through
For He's with us on our toilsome trail
And leads us all the way
And tells us we're to occupy
And wait and watch and pray
Under the Altar
How long, Oh Lord
Shall Thy holy ones cry?
Shall the days of their waiting
Be weighty with sighs?
Shall their mourning be ceaseless?
And their tears be unfailing
While tormentors taunt them
And foes are assailing?
How long, Oh, Lord
Before You rise up in power
And silence those sinners
In that sanctified hour?
Time to let go, time to move on
Time to let by-gones truly be gone
Set sights before you
You're not long for this world
Time to go flying
With fingers unfurled
Dangerous Shepherd
Treacherous and dangerous
A wolf in shepherd's skin
Meek and mild with winning smile
But ravenous within
He lulls the sheep to trusting sleep
And plots his vicious kill
But they'll awake with hearts aquake
In bondage to his will
Deceiving and deceived himself
His heart the devil's den
His doom is sure, defeat secure
Though only God knows when
Encounter at the Well
I would have lingered there with You
To hear what You would say
And question You about the Life
About the Truth, the Way
Yet Providence allowed it not
But broke upon us there
And so I ran in marveled joy
Salvation news to share
Holy Witness
My heart's ablaze with fire again
As he speaks from the Holy Word
Such pure, sweet drops from lips of man
Mine ears have never heard
I sit and wait expectantly
Each truth to make my own
And clutch within my bosom tight
The precious seed he's sown
Oh Lord, this man is just a vase
From which Your Spirit pours
The pure sweet balm that shall erase
My putrefying sores
How can I love such awful pain
That leaves me naked there
Exposed in all my filthiness
Left only with a prayer?
Thank God for those who do not fear
To speak Your Holy Word
But for Your humble messenger
I may have never heard
The Prophet
The man of God, he spoke with power
And fire in his eyes
The throng around could not refute
Nor flatter with their lies
He spoke with such conviction
Men's hearts were rent within
At the knowledge of their wicked souls
And presence of their sin
Dare one of us stand blatantly
And claim to be secure
In the promise of the Kingdom come
Reserved for just the pure?
Some bowed their heads and then their knees
And some in anguish cried
While others proudly held their ground
And guilt and sin denied
One day another One shall come
With fire in His eyes
And cause all men to bow the knee
And reckon with the lies
Oh then may I in Him be found
Cleansed from every guilty stain
And live with Him forevermore
In His perfect rule and reign
A Plea
Saturate me to my very soul
With holy words that cleanse and make me whole
With spiritual thoughts of strength that make me grow
With righteousness that makes Thy beauty show
Behold Him
Believe Him
Be like Him
Counsel to Self
Seek first the Lord and things above
Make Christ your highest goal
Not man's regard nor mortals' love
Nor converse for the soul
For Christ alone shall be your share
His mercies your delight
His Presence banish every care
His joy shall be your might
Relinquish all those earthly dreams
And comforts sought in men
And turn to Him Who died for you
While you were dead in sin
If anything could be hid from God
Any matter of the heart--
Then anything that God could do
Would only be in part
But because He knows each motive
And every sinful thought's revealed
I know I shan't be merely "fixed"
But altogether healed!
Fatal Error
Let me not mistake
emotion for devotion
Keep your fingers unfurled
From this withering world
Keep your heart unattached
From its charms
Keep your eyes up above
To His undying love
Until you're eternally embraced
In His arms
Heart and Mind
Rein in my heart and mind
Draw them to Thee, make them Thine
Then reign in my heart and mind
There set Thy throne and through me shine
And rain in my heart and mind
Grant me growth upon Thy Vine
Holy Longings
More and more, it seems I feel
My citizenship abroad
Longing for my home on high
To dwell with holy God
'Tis Christ's righteousness alone
Secures to me my place
To live within the Living God
Before the throne of grace
Idolatry Defeated
The image has crumbled
The idol torn down
Removed from its head
The glittering crown
Now rightly exalted
Christ the Great King
Maker & Ruler of everything
Like the Saints
I wish that I could be like Mary
And anoint Your precious head and feet
I wish that I could be like David
And sing to You some anthems sweet
I wish that I could be like Moses
Who spoke to You while face to face
I wish that I could be like Paul
Who gave his life to share Your grace
I wish that I could be like John
Who saw you in that Heavenly scene
I wish that as You lived in them
So You would also live in me
Love Not the World
Let the worldlings have their world-things
Let them toy with temporal stuff
Though they suck the breasts of earthly things
They will never have enough
Full and rich the cup of Christ the King
Though it tarry for a time
I wait in faith with perfect confidence
I am His and He is mine
Misplaced Faith
Crumbling creature
Failing flesh
Nought but a bundle of bones
Unwrap thy trembling tendrils from them
And cling to Christ alone
Raze It!
Raze! Raze this sinful soul!
Mortify this rebel man!
Then give new life and raise me up
In faith to walk, in truth to stand
Redeem the Time
Urgent insignificance
The realm of time, the realm of sense
Though life shall all be quickly spent
Then shedding of this mortal tent
Make me to know my times, my end
Which filter through the glass like sand
And utilize these days at hand
And in my Savior safely stand
The times have changed
The season's passed
The tempter's fled
There's calm at last
"Abide in Me" the Savior urged
"for I Myself your sins have purged"
He'll make me as shining gold
A jewel the King of Life shall hold
Revival Plea
Renew my love for Thee
Renew my love for Thee
Remove these worldly blinders, LORD
And grant my eyes to see
All Thy radiant loveliness
And holy majesty
And the wonder of Thy matchless love
That bled and died for me
Silence all competing voices
Mute the din and deaf'ning sound
Draw me always ever upward
Make my love for Thee abound
Stir those still and smoldering embers
In a heart that's nigh to chilled
Ignite a fervent passion in me
To see each idol swiftly killed
The Church
She's a spotted damsel
This bride of Christ
Sometimes stubborn
And full of strife
But Christ has sacrificed His life
To make of her a spotless wife
Two Men
The unredeemed man is anchored to the soil
His lot in life is labor and toil
From Holy things he doth recoil
Death and destruction shall be his spoil
The man who's redeemed seeks glories unknown
The heavens of God shall be his home
In humble gratitude he'll bow at the throne
He shall be Christ's and Christ his own
Unholy Pursuit
What will you forfeit while trying to fit in?
Will you abandon true riches for sin?
Will the world's allure make you lust after fame?
Will you be exalted at the expense of Christ's name?
Whose heart are you after?
Whose love would you hold?
Seek that Treasure that will never grow old
Strive to obtain the Heavenly prize
Let Christ be the Light that shine in your eyes
For He alone can satisfy you
For His love is eternal and His Word ever true
Guilty as Charged!
Those hours between
Conviction and confession
are most agonizing hours
Me, A Betrayer
How oft have I betrayed my Lord
with feigns of love in deed and word
While in my cold and calloused heart
I held myself from Him apart
How sore I tread upon His grace
And played the part with double face
And every gracious call I spurned
As He did bid me to return
T'was His sweet love broke through my shell
And saved me from eternal hell
And rescued me from death's dark door
And gave me life and peace and more
I'm amazed when looking back I see
How great the Savior's love for me
It's beyond my understanding why
He cared for such a wretch as I
May all of my remaining days
Be spent in humble, thankful praise
To Christ my Savior, God and Friend
Who loves His own unto the end
Sin Did It!
Sin laid the lashes on His back
Sin placed the thorny crown
Sin seemed to have the victory
Until He brought sin down
His resurrection proved His power
And triumphed over sin
Now we can walk in victory
For His power dwells within
The Needy
I need Your springs of mercy
To cleanse my unbelief
I plead to find forgiveness
Grant my conscience sweet relief
Spiritual Warfare
Constant Companion
There's a foe that's lurking here within
His favorite tool, my penchant for sin
He seduces me to take the bait
He makes me love what I should hate
He lets me taste his poison sweet
And tells me that it's good to eat
Slay this Cozbi in my breast
All Zimri's music put to rest
Let them not profane Thy holy place
Nor hold Thy name up to disgrace
Embattled Believer
Battle-worn and bloodied
I stagger back to camp
I drop my wearied body
'Neath the soft glow of a lamp
With blood and sweat upon my brow
I open up The Book
With trembling hands and shaken soul
I strain my eyes to look
The war still rages
Within, without
But I need sustenance
My God is here, I have no doubt
He is my confidence
Soon the rivers start to flow
Refreshment's on the way
I sense the Spirit's strengthening
Through what the pages say
I hear a distant victory cry
And know the battle's won
Through the mighty sacrifice
By the humble Son
Musical Strains
Sin wakes me in the morning
And bids me to come play
Sin walks with me and nuzzles me
And sings to me all day
But there's another song I hear
Whose melody is sweet
And I hear this sonnet best
When at my Savior's feet
Draw me, Lord, unto Thyself
Mute the luring voice
I'll lay within Thy loving arms
And in Thy grace rejoice
My Plea
Help me to yield to the yoke
Make me to take it in stride
Cause me to follow Your lead
Keeping me close to Your side
Sin strives to hinder my view
My heart tends to wander away
Keep my gaze upon You
Don't allow my affections to stray
The Fight
The accuser stood before my face
Spewing out his lies
Soiling every gift of grace
My conscience his disguise
He said the work wrought by God
Was not by God at all
But merely works of flesh and sod
Remaining from the fall
Battle-worn and weary
I resorted to the Psalms
And leaned upon my Savior's breast
And rested in His arms
He graciously succored me
With wise and tender words
And muted Satan's wretched voice
'Til I no longer heard
Great and gracious loving Lord
Redeemer, Shepherd, King
I bow to You in gratitude
Your praises shall I sing
What Remains
Stir within me the smoldering ember
Ignite my affection again
My soul doth longingly remember
The zeal it once felt within
A drought has withered my vigor
Sin has sapped me of strength
Please remind me of the vastness of Your love
It's depth, breadth, height and length
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