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Beautiful Heaven Quotes, Part 15

Compiled by Grace Gems

Forever beholding fresh beauties! (Newman Hall, "Follow Jesus")

When we get to heaven, what joy will it be to rehearse the events of the journey, and to see how the path was strewn all along with mercies. How blessed will be rest after toil, safety after peril, victory after conflict. Jesus will still lead us into fresh pastures, to higher and yet higher regions of knowledge, purity, and bliss. No carnal desires will drag us down. No sinful habits will cling to and entangle us. The flesh will no longer lust against the spirit. No enemies will beset the road, to allure us from it, or check our advance. We shall forever follow Jesus forever beholding fresh beauties in His countenance, forever discovering new glories in His character, forever experiencing fresh raptures in His love!

The Bottomless, Shoreless Sea of Infinite Joy! (Spurgeon, "NO TEARS IN HEAVEN")

In heaven, all inward evils will have been removed by the perfect sanctification wrought in us by the Holy Spirit. No evil of' heart, nor unbelief in departing from the living God, shall vex us in Paradise. No suggestions of the arch enemy shall be met and assisted by the uprisings of iniquity within. We shall never be led to think harshly of God, for our hearts shall be all love. Sin shall have no sweetness to us, for we shall be perfectly purified from all depraved desires. There shall be no lusts of the eye, no lusts of the flesh, no pride of life to be snares to our feet. Sin is shut out, and we are shut in. We are forever blessed, because we are without fault before the throne of God. What a heaven must it be to be without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing! Well may we cease to mourn when we have ceased to sin. In heaven, every holy desire is gratified! They cannot wish for anything which they shall not have. Eye and ear, heart and hand, judgment, imagination, hope, desire, will, every faculty shall be satisfied. All their capacious powers can wish, they shall continually enjoy. Though "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard the things which God has prepared for them that love him," yet we know enough, by the revelation of the Spirit, to understand that they are supremely blessed. The joy of Christ, which is an infinite fullness of delight, is in them. They Bathe Themselves in the Bottomless, Shoreless Sea of Infinite Joy!

What an amazing word! (Thomas Watson, "A Treatise Concerning Meditation")

Meditate on ETERNITY. What an amazing word is eternity! Eternity to the godly--is a day which has no sun-setting! Eternity to the wicked--is a night which has no sun-rising! Eternity is a gulf which may swallow up all our thoughts. Meditate on that scripture, "And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life." Matthew 25:46. Meditate upon eternal PUNISHMENT. The bitter cup which the damned drink of, shall never pass away from them. The sinner and the furnace shall never be parted. God's vial of wrath will be always dropping upon a wicked man. When you have reckoned up so many myriads and millions of years, nay, ages--as have passed the bounds of all arithmetic, eternity is not yet begun! This word forever breaks the heart! If the tree falls hell-ward--there it lies to all eternity! Now is the time of God's long-suffering; after death will be the time of the sinner's long-suffering, when he shall "suffer the vengeance of eternal fire!" Jude 7. Meditate upon eternal LIFE. The soul that is once landed at the heavenly shore, is past all storms! The glorified soul shall be forever bathing itself in the rivers of pleasure. "You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand!" Psalms 16:11. This is what makes heaven to be heaven--"We shall be forever with the Lord!" This makes up the garland of glory! Meditation on eternity, would make us very SERIOUS in what we do. The thoughts of an irreversible condition after this present life, would make us live as for eternity. Meditation on eternity, would make us overlook present WORLDLY things--as flitting and fading. What is this present world, to him that has eternity in his eye? It is but nothing. He who thinks of eternity, will despise "the passing pleasures of sin." Meditation on eternity would be a means to keep us from envying the wicked's prosperity. Here on earth, the wicked may be "dressed in purple and fine linen, and live in luxury every day." But what is this, compared to eternity? As long as there is such a thing as eternity, God has time enough to reckon with all His enemies!

Without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish! (Philpot, "The Love of Christ in Giving Himself for the Church")

"Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. He did this to present her to Himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish! Instead, she will be holy and without fault." Ephesians 5:25, 27 What are we ourselves as viewed by our own eyes? Full of spots, wrinkles, and blemishes! And What do we see in ourselves every day, but sin and filth and folly? What evil is there in the world that is not in us, and in our hearts? It is true others cannot read our hearts. But we read them; yes, are every day, and sometimes all the day reading them. And what do we read there? Like Ezekiel's scroll, it is "written within and without;" and we may well add, if we rightly read what is there written, we have every reason to say it is "full of lamentations, and mourning, and woe." Ezekiel 2:10 For I am sure that there is nothing that we see there every day and every hour, but would cover us with shame and confusion of face, and make us blush to lift up our eyes before God, or almost to appear in the presence of our fellow man! But neither others, nor we ourselves, now see what the church one day will be, and what she ever was in the eyes of Jesus! He could look through all the sins and sorrows of this intermediate period, and fix His eye upon the bridal day--the day when before assembled angels, in the courts of heaven, in the realms of eternal bliss, He would present her to Himself a glorious church, without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy, and without fault. O what a day will that be, when the Son of God shall openly wed His espoused bride; when there shall be heard in heaven, "what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting--Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns! Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready." Revelation 19:6-7

The base cares and the petty enjoyments of the present world (John Angell James)

Sin is raging all around us! Satan is busy in the work of destruction! Men are dying! Souls are every moment departing into eternity! Hell is enlarging her mouth, and multitudes are continually descending to torments which knows no mitigation and no end! How astounding is it sometimes to ourselves, that, the base cares and the petty enjoyments of the present world should have so much power over us, as to retard us in our heavenward course, and make us negligent and indolent, heedless and forgetful. Time is short! Life is uncertain! Death is at hand! Immortality is about to swallow up our existence in eternal life--or eternal death! Heaven expanding above us! Hell is yawning beneath us! Eternity is opening before us!

Asleep in Jesus (Spurgeon)

The saints in Jesus, when their bodies sleep in the peace of DEATH, have perpetual fellowship with Him-- yes, far better fellowship than we on earth can enjoy. We have but a transitory glimpse of His face; they gaze upon it every moment. We see Him through a glass darkly; they behold Him face to face. We sip of the brook by the way; they plunge into the very ocean of unbounded love. We sometimes get drops of comfort; but they get the honeycomb itself. They that sleep in Jesus are full of peace, and full of joy forever.

What a contrast! (J. C. Philpot, "The Heavenly Sheepfold" 1854)

"Those who endure to the end will be saved." Mark 13:13 Saved! Saved from what? Saved from hell! Saved from an eternity of endless misery and horror! Saved from the worm which never dies! Saved from the fire which is never quenched! Saved from the sulphurous flames! Saved from the companionship of devils and damned spirits! Saved saved from ever-rolling ages of ceaseless misery and horror! Have you not thought sometimes about eternity? What must an eternity of misery must be--when you can scarcely bear the pain of toothache half an hour! O! to be in torment forever! How it racks the soul to think of it! What tongue, then, can express the mercy and blessedness of being saved from hell, from the billows of the sulphurous lake, from infinite despair! When a soul strikes upon the 'rock of perdition', it is at once swallowed up in a dreadful eternity! Not only are believers saved from all this infinite and unending misery--but they are saved into unspeakable happiness and glory! They are saved into heaven, saved into eternal communion with the infinite God, saved into the eternal enjoyment of His blessed presence, saved into the perfect enjoyment of that perfect and everlasting love in those regions of endless bliss where tears are wiped from off all faces! What a contrast! Heaven--hell! Eternal misery--eternal bliss! Ages of boundless joy--ages of infinite despair! But salvation includes not only what we may call future salvation--but present salvation. Thus, there is a being saved in the present from the guilt, filth, love, power, and practice of sin, from the curse and bondage of the Law, from the spirit and love of the world, from inward condemnation, from the entanglements of Satan, from worldly anxieties and cares, from following after idols, from carelessness, from coldness, from carnality, from every evil way, from every delusive path.

The saints' Hell--and the sinners' Heaven! (Thomas Brooks, "A String of Pearls" 1657)

"And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life." Matthew 25:46 This present life is the saints' Hell--and the sinners' Heaven. The next life will be the saints' Heaven--and the sinners' Hell. Here on earth wicked men have their Heaven, hereafter they shall have their Hell. The time of this life is the day of their joy and triumph; and when this short day is ended--then eternal lamentations, mournings, and woes follow! Ah sinners! sinners! that day is hastening upon you, wherein you shall have punishment without pity, misery without mercy, sorrow without support, pain without pleasure, and torments without end! Ah, sinners! sinners! Ah! your portion is below, and you are already adjudged to those torments which are endless, easeless, and remediless; where the worm never dies, and the fire never goes out! The day is coming upon you, sinners, when all your sweet shall be turned into bitter; all your glory into shame; all your plenty into scarcity; all your joys into sorrows; all your recreations into vexations; and all your momentary comforts into everlasting torments!

Heavenly Glory! (Don Fortner)

Those who trust the Lord Jesus Christ are "heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ." GLORY awaits us! I do not pretend to know much about it; but I do know this - In that blessed state called GLORY, every chosen, blood bought, saved sinner shall be WITH Christ and LIKE Christ forever! IN HEAVEN'S GLORY, the purpose of God in sovereign, eternal election and predestination will be fulfilled (Rom. 8:29; Eph. 1:4-6). One great object of our heavenly Father in choosing us unto salvation in Christ was that we might be made perfect, holy, unblameable, and unreproveable before him- not just as a matter of judicial record, but in actuality! And God shall have his purpose fulfilled. IN HEAVENLY GLORY, our great Savior "Shall See of the Travail of His Soul, and Shall Be Satisfied." The cross of our Lord Jesus Christ shall not be discovered a miscarriage. Every blood-bought sinner will be presented by him, before the presence of the glory of the triune God, washed in his blood, robed in his righteousness, in the perfection of absolute holiness (Jude 24-25). So thorough and complete is that righteousness which he makes to be ours that when God himself searches for our iniquities, transgressions, and sins, he shall find none! (Jer. 50:20) IN HEAVENLY GLORY, all the truest, deepest desires and longings of every saved sinner shall at last be perfectly fulfilled! What is it that you truly want, my brother, my sister? In the depths of your soul, what do you truly desire? Does your heart long to be free from all sin and pant for perfect holiness? Do you crave perfect, uninterrupted communion and fellowship with Christ? Does your soul beg for grace to live in absolute, perfect consecration to God? All this shall be yours in that state of glory awaiting us. All this, and more, is included in this promise- "We Shall Be LIKE Him, for We Shall See Him as He Is!"

That unutterable glory! (Spurgeon, "Gleanings Among the Sheaves")

Is it possible for us to know anything whatever of our heavenly home? Is there power in human intellect to fly into the land of the hereafter, where God's people rest eternally? Our inquiry is met at the outset by what seems a positive denial: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him." If we paused here, we might give up all idea of beholding that "goodly land and Lebanon"; but we do not pause, for, like the apostle, we go on with the text, and we add, "But God has revealed them unto us by his Spirit." It is possible to look within the veil; God's Spirit can turn it aside for a moment and bid us take a glimpse, though it be a distant one, at that unutterable glory! There are "Pisgahs" even now on the earth, from the top of which the celestial Canaan can be beheld. There are hallowed hours in which the mists and clouds are swept away, and the sun shines in his strength, and our eye, being freed from its natural dimness, beholds something of that land which is very far off, and sees a little of the joy and blessedness which is reserved for the people of God hereafter. By the Holy Spirit there is given to them, even now, in seasons of blissful communion, such experiences, joys, and feelings, as seem to bring heaven down to them, and make them able to realize, in some faint measure, what heaven itself must be.

As though it had never been! (Octavius Winslow)

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us!" Romans 8:18 Beloved, soon, O how soon! all that now loads the heart with care, and wrings it with sorrow--all that dims the eye with tears, and renders the day anxious and the night sleepless--will be as though it had never been! Emerging from the entanglement, the dreariness, the solitude, the loneliness, and the temptations of the wilderness--you shall enter upon your everlasting rest, your unfading inheritance, where there is no sorrow, no sin, no suffering, no crying, no evening shadows, no midnight darkness! But all is one perfect, cloudless, eternal day--for Jesus is the joy, the light, and the glory thereof! "And so we will be with the Lord forever!" 1 Thessalonians 4:17 "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away!" Revelation 21:4

ENDLESS ADORATION! (Spurgeon, "Breaking the Long Silence")

The vista of a praiseful life will never close, but continue throughout eternity. From psalm to psalm, from hallelujah to hallelujah, we will ascend the hill of the Lord; until we come into the Holiest of all, where, with veiled faces, we will bow before the Divine Majesty in the bliss of endless adoration!

He comes! (Spurgeon, "The Beatific Vision")

With clouds of angels, cherubim, seraphim, and all the armies of heaven, He comes! With all the forces of nature-- thundercloud, and blackness of tempest, the Lord of all makes his triumphant entrance to judge the world! The clouds are the dust of his feet in that terrible day of battle, when He will rid Himself of His adversaries, shaking them out of the earth with His thunder, and consuming them with the devouring flame of His lightning! All of heaven will gather with its utmost pomp at the great appearing of the Lord. Not as the Man of Sorrows, despised and rejected, will Jesus come. Rather, as Jehovah came upon Sinai, in the midst of thick clouds and a terrible darkness- so will He come, whose coming will be the final judgement! -Spurgeon, "He is Coming with the Clouds" The Beautific Vision- We have I believe, all of us who love his name, a most insatiable wish to behold his person. The thing for which I would pray above all others, would be forever to behold his face, forever to lay my head upon his breast, forever to know that I am his, forever to dwell with him. Yes, one short glimpse, one transitory vision of his glory, one brief glance at his marred, but now exalted and beaming countenance, would repay almost a world of trouble. We have a strong desire to see him-- "Millions of years my wondering eyes Shall over your beauties rove; And endless ages I'll adore The glories of your love." Oh! the sight is better still. We are to see him 'exalted'. We shall see the head, but not with its thorny crown. "The head that once was crowned with thorns, Is crowned with glory now." We shall see the hand, and the nail-prints too, but not the nail; it has been once drawn out, and forever. We shall see his side, and its pierced wound too; but the blood shall not issue from it. We shall see him not with a peasant's garb around him, but with the empire of the universe upon his shoulders. We shall see him, not with a reed in his hand, but grasping a golden scepter. We shall see him, not as mocked and spit upon and insulted, not bone of our bone, in all our agonies, afflictions, and distresses; but we shall see him exalted! No longer Christ the man of sorrows, the acquaintance of grief, but Christ the Man-God! -radiant with splendor, -effulgent with light, -clothed with rainbows, -girded with clouds, -wrapped in lightnings, -crowned with stars, -the sun beneath his feet. Oh! glorious vision! How can we guess what he is? What words can tell us? or how can we speak thereof? Yet whatever he is, with all his splendor unveiled, all his glories unclouded, and himself fully revealed; we shall see him as he is. We shall see him, beloved-- not abhorred, not despised and rejected, but worshipped, honored, crowned, exalted, served by flaming spirits, and worshipped by cherubim and seraphim. "We shall see him as he is."

From a burning hell--to a blissful heaven! (J. C. Philpot, "Daily Portions")

What is to be compared with the salvation of the soul? What are riches, honors, health, long life? What are all the pleasures which the world can offer, sin promise, or the flesh enjoy? What is all that men call good or great? What is everything which the eye has seen, or the ear heard, or has entered into the carnal heart of man--put side by side with being saved in the Lord Jesus Christ with an everlasting salvation? For consider what we are saved from, as well as what we are saved unto. From a burning hell--to a blissful heaven! From endless wrath--to eternal glory! From the dreadful company of devils and damned spirits, mutually tormenting and tormented--to the blessed companionship of the glorified saints, all perfectly conformed in body and soul to the image of Christ, with thousands and tens of thousands of holy angels; and, above all, to seeing the glorious Son of God as He is, in all the perfection of His beauty, and all the ravishments of His presence and love! To be done forever with all the sorrows, troubles, and afflictions of this life; all the pains and aches of the present clay tabernacle; all the darkness, bondage, and misery of the body of sin and death. To be perfectly holy in body and soul, being in both without spot, or blemish, or any such thing--and ever to enjoy uninterrupted communion with God! "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him!" 1 Corinthians 2:9

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